Being Jesus to City Church International

Out of the saturation of Jesus within us, out of that of Jesus which we become … we are to live our life as Jesus would – amongst the people around us. It is so important that we do that within our own community of faith! It should include serving them, praying for and with them, doing as the Good Samaritan did and “crossing over the street” to help when nobody esle will, loving them just as Jesus would.

Being Jesus to City Church International

Out of the saturation of Jesus within us, out of that of Jesus which we become … we are to live our life as Jesus would – amongst the people around us. It is so important that we do that within our own community of faith! It should include serving them, praying for and with them, doing as the Good Samaritan did and “crossing over the street” to help when nobody esle will, loving them just as Jesus would.